ALERTA: Dekolonialisierung und Kunst

Sa, 22.02.  |  12:00-12:25  |  OKTO
Länge: 25 Min.
In this program we see the latest artistic works and talk about their political and transformative content with Imayna Caceres and Amanda Piña. Imayna is an artist, writer, researcher, who is interested in the makings of communities in more-than-human worlds, who engages with forms of knowledge that exceed modernity and Western knowledge. Amanda's work is concerned with the decolonization of art, focusing on the political and social power of movement, temporarily dismantling ideological separations between contemporary and traditional, human and animal, nature and culture.

A docu-series about activist groups in the resistance against the colonial-capitalist patriarchal system.

Alerta means paying attention to what is happening with your senses. It is also an alarm and a battle cry of activist groups in the resistance against the colonial-capitalist patriarchal system. In this docu-series we are talking with artists living in Vienna inviting us to be Alerta.

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